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Power Automate - Building Flows

Document Approval - Multiple Approver - Sequentiell approvals

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Hi everyone,
I've been trying for a while now, but I'm not really getting anywhere. I have created a working approval workflow in Power Automate. However, the sharing only works with one sharer. I would like to design the workflow so that I can add more approvers and they all have to approve.
I want to enter the approvers manually and dynamically via properties and following menu:
This is the workflow:
Sorry, the last screenshot is in German. The important part is the "Zugewiesen Zu" (Assigned to) field.
Maybe someone here can help me? Thank you.
Best regards,
  • Suggested answer
    EG-04121429-0 Profile Picture
    EG-04121429-0 6 on at
    Document Approval - Multiple Approver - Sequentiell approvals
    Hey there,
    So, here's what's happening:
    Your SharePoint field for approvers allows for multiple entries and thus becomes an "array" or list.
    When you add an array field as a dynamic value, Power Automate will create that Apply to Each loop.  That's the "For each" thing you've got.  And what you end up with, if you have 3 people in your SP field, is three separate approvals, each with one person as the approver.
    To fix this, somewhere between your SharePoint step and your approval, you can convert that array to a single line of text (String) that is separated by semicolons, and then drop that value into your approvers field on the Approval step.
    There are lots of different ways to approach this, but here's one way to go about it:
    Using that example, you can drop the output of your Join step into your approvers step, which should create a single approval with multiple people.
    Keep us posted...good luck!

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