Microsoft Teams connector (Alert the team action) doesn't work in my Tenant that hosted on Japan DC.
Error message as "The server failed to respond correctly. Response Code: Forbidden, Reason: SkypeToken is from a disallowed region."
Does Microsoft Teams connector has limitation by region?
Yes, I tested other DC (Office 365 E5 Trial Teanant on US).
Microsoft Teams connector works fine on US Tenant.
Some other Japan users also have this issue.
We are think about this issue caused by difference with region or DC.
Do you have more informations?
Best regards,
Hirofumi Ota
Hi Hirofumi,
Do you have other DC to test this issue?
Does MIcrosoftTeams connector work properly on other DC?
I just apply an online account to test this issue, the action “Alert the team” works as expected in my flow.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao