1. What happens to flows when their creator leaves the organization?
2. how can they be identified?
3. can they be transferred by an admin to someone else?
old question, but this might be helpful if anyone else is looking for the answer.
Power Shell Script - Transfer / Reassign Power Automate (MS Flows) ownership to other account (linkedin.com)
The Set-AdminFlowOwnerRole command is what you are looking for.
Set-AdminFlowOwnerRole (Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell) | Microsoft Docs
How to do the ownership transfer to other user using powershell script.
How to do the ownership transfer to other user using powershell script.
@v-micsh-msft wrote:Hi @DLGross,
1. Those Flows created by former employees will keep running until there are problems (like authentication).
2. Under Microsoft Flow Admin Center->Environments->the Proper Environment->Resources->Flows, there would be a list of all the flows created in this environment listed,
3. Yes, those flows could be deleted or adding a new Owner by clicking the Flow in the Flow list mentioned in Step 2.
You may click View Details to manage sharing, or just delete this flow.
When a user leaves the company (and their account is deleted), will their Flows remain to allow you to assign a new owner, or will their flows be deleted when the account is deleted?
Which Flow license is required to be able to see this Environments management screen?
Hi @DLGross,
1. Those Flows created by former employees will keep running until there are problems (like authentication).
2. Under Microsoft Flow Admin Center->Environments->the Proper Environment->Resources->Flows, there would be a list of all the flows created in this environment listed,
3. Yes, those flows could be deleted or adding a new Owner by clicking the Flow in the Flow list mentioned in Step 2.
You may click View Details to manage sharing, or just delete this flow.