I have a flow that will move an existing Word doc file from one folder into another. The flow steps are as outlined below. All steps work fine until it gets to the Move File tile where it errors out with a Failed to verify the existence of source object error.
In the flow, I create a "Parent Folder" for the new project that came in
I then have a 5 second delay to ensure that the folder was created and then I set a variable for the path
The Replace formula is as follows -
replace(outputs('Create_Parent_Project_Folder')?['body/{FullPath}'], 'Shared Documents/', '')
I then create a sub-folder inside of the newly created Parent Folder, this also works without issue
I then attempt to move a file that already exists in a different folder into the new Parent Folder, this is where it fails with the error.
Seeing as though the sub-folder is created just above the Move File, I have no idea why this errors out stating that it cannot find the destination folder.
@Lday75 Did you find any solution?
I have a similar case and always get this error when a File has a + in its name. The Move Doc connector then just replaces the + with a space character(see screenshot), which causes the file to not be found anymore. If the File has other special characters, there is no issue.
I tried to encode the Path or even to manually change the value by replacing only the +
Encoded String Decoded Character
%20 | space |
%25 | % |
%26 | & |
%2B | + |
@PaulMatha Hi, thanks for the heads up on this, and the compose shows that the folder path is accurate, however, it also made me realize that the destination folder is not the issue here. It's that the flow is not finding the file I want to move. The Word doc is getting created in a separate flow. This is a two part process for what I am doing here. Part one is a separate flow that once a form is submitted a list item is created and a Word doc is template is used to create the Word doc file that I want to move, if the request is approved. Once someone marks a list item as approved, then the flow for part two kicks in. This is where I am going out to find the word doc created in the first flow and move it to the newly created parent folder. What I am seeing is that the link in the Move File tile is only partially underlined like it cannot find the proper path to where the file is located, see screen shot & output error below. I'm not sure why this is happening here.
"body": {
"status": 400,
"message": "Failed to verify the existence of source object at 'https://ourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/SharePointTeam/Documents/Pending IT Project Request Docs/Lance Day - Updated V1 Flow.docx' due to error 'The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)'.\r\nclientRequestId: 9eb3981e-60bf-4a26-9c0f-cb1a40401ea6\r\nserviceRequestId: 9eb3981e-60bf-4a26-9c0f-cb1a40401ea6"
underline stops at Pending, not sure why...
Hi @Lday75 ,
I believe the problem is with the Parent folder path and delay.
1) Try adding a compose function and check if parent folder path is correct.
2) Try adding a delay after creating a sub folder, delay of 5 seconds might be less.