I am working on a flow that FTP's a file from a shared SharePoint Document library to a specific folder on our website (specifically /httpdocs/brochures). The flow works as I can see the document in the correct folder, but the flow is still running hours after the file was copied.
I am relatively new to flows but can't seem to find an easy way to stop the flow.
Any help appreciated
Finally sorted this. Ticked the Binary Transport? option in the FTP Connector and files are uploading
Checked the Error Details and rechecked CuteFTP. The flow only uploaded 110 KB of a 19,180 KB file.
Is there a way to increase the maximum number of requests?
Thanks @bcdautomation, the flow works as I can see the document in the correct folder.
Adding the time that the test took to the start time of the test shows that it took 4 hours 39 minutes to upload. The file is only 19 MB
Try using the 'List files in root folder' action first to make sure your folder path is correct
Managed to stop the flow after a couple of hours and tested the flow and got this: