Hi i am using the approval action , Start and wait for approval or Create an approval.
i am attaching the pics as attachment, it was working fine till now, was receiving the approval email with the attached photos,
but now its acting weird, flow is getting failed at the approval action with the Error: 502. bad gateway
Great ! it works perfectly fine for my flow, error gone ✅ 👌
It does appear that all of the prior replies regarding Org permissions assigned to the System Job table for the Approvals role DOES resolve the issue. For me, it was a bit tricky, I assume because we are not a Dynamics 365 shop.
PetrB's answer here: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/start-and-wait-for-approval-not-working/m-p/2365341/highlight/true#M140496
and Rayma's answer here, when combined, got me where I needed to be. https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/powerautomate-quot-start-and-wait-for-approval-quot-gives-a-502/m-p/2365660/highlight/true#M140505
Basically to combine their steps,
1. Go to Power Platform Admin Center as an PPAdmin.
2. Open the Environment that your Flow is within.
3. WHERE IT GETS DIFFERENT: Choose Settings --> Resources --> All legacy Settings
4. In the Settings dropdown at the top of the new legacy window, choose Security
5. Choose Security Roles
6. Choose Approvals Administrator
7. Choose Customization
8. Find System Job and toggle Read for Organization
9. Save and close.
Mine worked after that. Thanks to the two mentioned above and many others who had mentioned this as a resolution.
It is using an attachment that is causing this for me as of the last couple of days. Removing the attachment allowed the flow to be resubmitted and work properly. I am trying to determine whether the attachment format changed or if something else has caused it to stop working with attachments.
I would suggest removing the attachments and try submitting again to see if it works.