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Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

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Hi there,


I'm trying to see the analytics from Oct 2023, selecting from 01/10/2023 to 31/10/2023 and as you can see attached below, that's what comes up.


2023-11-06 10.45.19 5350e4bfc759.png


Is there something I can do to make it to work or it is another bug in the platform?




  • Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi @ChrisyanManalu ,


    The product team sort it out and the send me the feedback when it was done .


    If you are having the same issue, I would recommend opening a support ticket, so the team can look closely to the issue and sort it out for you.


    Kind regards,


  • ChrisyanManalu Profile Picture
    ChrisyanManalu 2 on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi @fernandosilva 

    I just wondering how you solve this issue ? Because by today I get affected this issue and this is so stressfull to find the right answer. 

    If you dont mind, could you share your experience to solving this issue ? 



  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    @KavyaAcharya -- this thread is specifically about Copilot Studio / Power Virtual Agents analytics, and it has been fixed. If you face a similar issue, please explore options with Power BI support - Power BI | Microsoft Learn.

  • KavyaAcharya Profile Picture
    KavyaAcharya 3 on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    I am having the same issue from yesterday. All of a sudden most of the users from different workspaces of different capacities are facing this issue. Did anyone find out what could be the issue. 

  • NilsHemp Profile Picture
    NilsHemp 9 on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Thank you HenryJammes,


    Apologize that i obviously ended up in wring forum. Was simply the same symptom but different cause.

    Great fast response!

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi @NilsHemp - then this thread isn't related to your issue and you should reach out to Power BI support and/or community: Power BI support - Power BI | Microsoft Learn


    Our team only fixed a specific issues for a report we're exposing to our Power Virtual Agents / Copilot Studio customers. 

  • NilsHemp Profile Picture
    NilsHemp 9 on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    We see this issue when users try to open Power BI reports hosted on premium capacity.


  • Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi @HenryJammes & @NilsHemp ,


    I can confirm that the bug has disappeared on PVA analytics for now. I'm not receiving the capacity message anymore since yesterday.


    The only bug missing, but probably not for this thread is that I cannot get the PVA data on Power BI anymore after the new releases.


    I still have one bot using the classic mode and the data to Power BI is still available, but the data from the new canvas, using the same settings, no idea what is going on. Probably the parameters on the new canvas have changed and is deep down somewhere to be discovered.


    Apart of that, great teamwork and glad the issue has been sorted.


    Thank you @HenryJammes and the whole team.


    @NilsHemp , I'm sure your issue will be sorted. It might be a cache issue maybe?




  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi @NilsHemp -- just to be sure, where are you seeing this error?

    In this in Power Virtual Agents / Copilot Studio analytics? 

  • NilsHemp Profile Picture
    NilsHemp 9 on at
    Re: Cannot load model due to reaching capacity limits

    Hi HenryJames,


    glad to hear but have to share that we also get same error message since a couple of days.  

    Cleaned up consumed capacity ( even if we did not exceed any limits) -> No effect .   Any advice? 


    @fernandosilva & others: Still experiencing the same or is the issue resolved for you?

    KR Nils


    p.s. my error message 



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