I am trying to create a Calendar event from a System Account. The system account is Domain and Mailbox and I updated the calendar permission to grant full access. Whenever I try to select the calendar under Calendar ID, it doesn't come up as an option. When I try to manually enter it, I get the ID is malformed error. I am not sure what else to try/where to set permission or if I am missing something else. I also tried adding the account as a connection and set the account as an owner on the flow but that didn't change anything. Below is the error I get:
Id is malformed.
clientRequestId: d7ce1353-de68-4670-9a39-dc61f89cb4d4
serviceRequestId: 21a243b6-929b-4797-a375-7bd6431aff0f
I'm still failing to get this template to work 'Create a copy of an Office 365 Outlook event'
Whatever i put in the Calendar ID field, i get a Malformed ID error. I have put an email address but can't see how to get a calendar ID for a Room or Shared calendar.
It probably can't. If you don't have a mailbox there probably isn't a calendar is there? E.g., Calendar invites go to your mailbox. You would have to set up a new account to be used for this specifically. Also, good note to remember, if other people utilize your flows you have to share that connection so using a Global Administrator account 'may' not be the best option. We set up this account specifically for the purpose of our flows. Not sure if this helps.
How can this be a solution if the account used is a Global Administrator and has no mailbox?
I am having this same issue. I can create an event if I pick that user in Flow when it prompts for a calendar id. But I need a variable there that my PowerApp can assign whatever user gets assigned to the event. Can you help?
My app allows users to assign items to other users and then my app creates an event on the newly assigned user's calendar. The only way I see this work is if I assign the event to myself or in Flow, actually pick the name of the Shared Calendar manually. I want to have the app able to tell Flow the calendar id based on who the user picked. I have shared rights, accepted calendar, etc.
I keep getting:
Thanks for your response. I was able to figure out the solution. But to answer your questions. I tried logging in with the system account and making it an owner to the flow as well as creating a connecting with that account but none changed anything.
I was able to create an event with a different general user.
I couldn't find an ID anywhere and while I did search I was trying to select the calendar as that previously worked with other calendars.
I figured out the issue and adding it here in case anyone else has the same issue.
In addition to granting full mailbox right, and adding the calendar to outlook, you also have to add the outlook calendar under "my calendars" within the Outlook browser version.
1. Is the system account the owner of the connector?
2. Are you able to create an event with a different general user?
3. Are you selecting the Calendar or entering the ID in the field?