What happens to an embedded connection when the creator leaves the organization? It's using the creator's credentials for connection to Outlook and SharePoint.
Does the embedded connection need to be updated/changed when the person leaves since their login ID will not be active anymore?
I know this is a really old topic, but I am having a slightly different issue and curious if anyone has experienced this yet. I used to have my connector connected to my "personal" account, because that is the account which is connected to VSTO. This was done on flow tasks which were created under my "work" account in 365. A few days ago this stopped working and now when I try to change the connection it pops a window like it's going to allow me to select, but instead closes and just attaches the account I am currently signed in as.
Any help would be much appreciated
Brilliant! Thanks for posting your update. This has helped me loads.
Thank you v-monli-msft, would you be able to point me to resources that shows me how to do that? I’m the one leaving the company and I need to write documentation on what to do after I leave.
I saw another post that says you can't edit an embedded connection, I can't seem to find anything information on how to add a new connection for a different user to replace the connection I created. I'm so new at this, I'm sorry if it's a stupid question.
Update: I found where I can change the connection. Basically in every step of the flow that uses the connection, when I click on the ... for more option, it shows what connection that is being used for that step. When another owner is logged in and has the same type of connection setup (for example: connection to SharePoint), all they needed to do was to select the connection that uses their credentials in the drop down so that their connection is being used as soon as they update the flow. Hope this helps others.
Hi @DewiTC,
As long as his account still has the proper permission in those connectors and this account still reachable for flow, the connection will still work. But if either of the below condition fails, the connection will be disabled. So I suggest that you should change the ownership of those connectors just in case.