I am trying to do a simple flow to take email attachments and create them in a sharpoint file directory. I need to use the email subject as the file name but they contain a colon which is an invalid character. Is there any way to search and replace when creating the file name in the flow?
Hi @andrewr,
When you type the input value in compose use double quotes (") at the beginning and end.
e.g: "@concat(outputs('filename'),outputs('fname'))"
Once you save the flow and go back to edit it should disappear the doubles quotes and it should be non-editable. Probably the non-editing part is a bug :-).
Let me know how it goes.
The compose steps don't seem to be executing....as you can see in the screen shot it's trying to pass the code from the compose step as the file name
Hi @andrewr,
This is documentation you need https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/logic/definition-language
Please follow the below flow for your requirement.
If you need anymore help please let me know.
Hi @andrewr,
This is documentation you need https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/logic/definition-language
Please follow the below flow for your requirement.
Are there details of the concat fucntion? I haven't been able to find it via a search
Hi @andrewr,
You need to do the following:
1. Add another compose and map the input parameter as Attachment Name.
2. Use the concat function to get together this output & subject.
I need the file name to be the subject of the email, but I wonder if I can concatenate the original file name too. Any thoughts?
Hi @andrewr,
I haven't tested with multiple. It should work if you using the actual filename. As you can see the flow SP template (See above) is in a loop.
Thanks, this is really helpful.
I'm just wondering if there is more than one attachment will it fail?
Hi @andrewr,
You need to use Compose and utilise the workflow definition language function called replace.This is what you want.
My Flow configuration:
My Flow Test Result:
Email Send with Attachmen and Subject as 'TestDoc:Aj'
SharePoint File uploaded without colons.
If you need any more help please let me know.