I created the simplest Flow to run stored SQL procedure from PowerApps. When I'm creating this only step, I just choose the procedure name from the list, so Flow has access to the server via the gateway, and it even identifies that one parameter must be passed.
(how to add a screenshot to the message?)
Then I save procedure and test it. It always says that it can't find the procedure.
"status": 404,
"message": "Could not find stored procedure 'diprice.Simulate_Oppty'.\r\nclientRequestId: 2eadcfb8-016a-47ce-9ff6-432e6a6fe65d",
"source": "sqlconnectionprovider-westeurope.am2-ase-001.p.azurewebsites.net"
I tried other procedures with and without parameters, and response is always the same. I tried to use Execute SQL Query option with the string EXEC diprice.Simulate_Oppty, with the same result. The fun fact is that all these Flows and Procedure calls worked well in April, May, June. Since August something went wrong, and I do not know where to search for a problem.
Hi @Alexei - Are you saying that the Execute Stored Procedure action fails when it is within a Flow using a button trigger but this action works properly when it is contained in a Flow that uses a different type of trigger? If so, I reproduced the identical behavior. There seems to a bug in Flow where this action cannot be used with a button trigger, but other otherwise it works properly.
Thank you for response, Alice.
This is the screenshot of the Flow itself. Very simple.
This is the result of test execution:
(the button Photos wasn't here yesterday, so I was unable to load that).
By the way, I found the error myself: it is on Microsoft's side.
The keyword is TEST. This button simply doesn't work properly. I had to run my Power BI dashboard where the PowerApps is integrated where the Flow is integrated to ensure that Flow works.
Hi @Alexei,
Could you please share a screenshot of the configuration of your flow?
Could you please share more details or the screenshot about your issue?
Please share more details so we would try to provide a proper workaround for you.
Best regards,