Hello All,
I have a sharepoint list and a Microsoft Survey form. I know i can create a flow to create item in SP list whenever an emplopyee submits a response. Here is what i want to do and need help.
I want to create a survey to the new joinees when complete 30 days in the organization to understand what went well and what else need attention.
Below is the list i have with employee details and questions same as MS forms.
my SP List
I created MS Form with the questions below
1. Employee ID
2. Please rate your experience during interview process?
3. What else could we have done to enhance our interview process?
Question 1: Can i send an automated email to a new employee with a link to the survey form ?
Ex: If Sasi join the org. on 1-Sep-19, a mail should go to him on 1-Oct-19 asking him to complete the survey
Question 2: When an employee submits his/her response, it should update against his employee id in the existing list instead of creating a new item in SP list. Can this be achieved? ( I tried Update Item from flow, however when I downloaded the SP list, i see that the details were updated against another employee changing his employee id but the responses were captured)
i realised something today that using hiredate ge addDays(utcNow(),-30) is sending email to all the employees in the list instead of only people who completed 30 Days.
Also, in the filter query, i am not able to select Hire Date from dynamic content.. not sure why? Is there any work around?
Apologies, could not try the solution you provided earlier and it worked smooth. Thanks a lot
@RezaDorrani , Thanks a lot for the reply Reza. Though i understand from the highlevel what you were trying to say, since I am a beginner and new to Flow, I request you to show me how to put the below steps in flow (screenshots would be helpful).
Apologies if i am asking too much...
1- since you already have a list of all employees with their hire date
you can run a flow which runs on a scheduled basis (daily)
In this flow you can run the get items action
odata query - to get only employees who have been hired 30 days ago (in order to send the survey) use
hiredate ge adddays(utcnow(),-30) and dateofsubmission ne null
adddays(utcnow(),-30) and null are expressions
hiredate and dateofsubmission are internal names of your specific columns
then you can send an email to your employees matching this criteria with link to the survey
2- In the survey (which can be filled out only by authenticated users)
you can create another flow to run when new response is submitted
you can check who submitted the survey
match it against your list and accordingly update the details
Reza Dorrani
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