When I put a trigger on any table, the trigger fires then I get this error:
"error": {
"code": 502,
"source": "flow-apim-msmanaged-na-northcentralus-01.azure-apim.net",
"clientRequestId": "861121dd-5ac5-4217-ac09-ba2556945ff4",
"message": "BadGateway",
"innerError": {
"status": 502,
"message": "Salesforce failed to complete task: Message: A task was canceled.\r\nclientRequestId: 861121dd-5ac5-4217-ac09-ba2556945ff4",
"source": "mscorlib",
"errors": []
Then I get this error on the front page:
@Xerxel , did you go through the known issues and limitations documented at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/salesforce/#known-issues-and-limitations (especially those copied below) and ensure that the Salesforce service is properly configured to allow Power Automate integration?
@Xerxel , from the telemetry data, I can tell that all of the requests from Power Automate to the Salesforce server are getting timed out after waiting for 100 seconds. So some issue appears to be on Salesforce server end.
Hi @Xerxel ,
The error message mentioned that the current task has been cancelled, so it cannot be completed, I think the status of the task must be pending, it can be set to complete.
Best Regards,