Hi all,
My scenario is: When an email is received in the mailbox, I want it to create a SharePoint item based on the Condition that the Sender is internal (i.e. comes from an internal domain) and certain people aren't CC'd.
The Condition I'm using is below. In the value field, I've set the email address as a string, e.g. string('jamesbond@test.com.au'). However, when testing the flow I'm receiving the below error every time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Hi @Anonymous, I think it's a wrong way. As far as I know "Search for users (V2)" doesn't allow you to place several values to "Search term" field. It means you have to execute the search as many times as many addresses are in CC. Inacceptable, IMHO.
Hi @VictorIvanidze ,
Thanks for that. I thought of an easier way to do this, rather than filter according to users what I really need to do is check if the user has an Office 365 account: if so go down path 1, if not go down path 2.
I've come up with this to use the Search for Users function but stuck at where to go from there. Any thoughts?
You have to check if CC addresses collection is not empty.