Hi Experts,
Good day to you, I'm having below flow, which to get the Status equal to Pending of each Items and combine them then send an email. What i'm trying to achieve is if Status not equal to Pending then don't send anything.
The problem i have are:
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thank you !
Hello @AnPhamEFL ,
you should do it differently. Set the "pendingList" variable to an Array.
In the loop add each pending ID to this array (use the "append to array variable" action)
Then after the loop use a condition to check the length of your array with the expression Len(pendingList)
If the length is bigger then 0 then send the mail. In order to translate the array to a string you can use another expression "join" -> eg. join(pendingList,' <br>') inside the mail body.
Et voila!
Tell me if it worked for you 🙂
With regards