Instagram to Twitter, simple as that, i've spent almost a week scratching my head in how to get this to work properly. And yes, i've looked in the forum and google to find a solution, used examples, templates etc. But the deeper I go, the more confused I become, and I just can't get it to work. I don't know how to shorten the amount of characters, and to post it succesfully.
Please help! Thank you!
Hi @ LexLex,
If you want the "photo + description + tags" gets tweeted when you upload a new photo on Instagram,the twitter could tweet some text currently, however I afraid the twitter couldn't tweet the photo from the Instagram currently.
Maybe there is no way to achieve your needs in Microsoft Flow currently.
If you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:
Alice Zhang
Hi Alice! Thank you for your reply,
To be honest I don't have any screenshots simply because it was a mess and I deleted many of my test flows out of frustration. All I want, is when I upload a new photo on Instagram, is photo + description + tags gets tweeted, with some "auto-character-shortner" to reduce a long insta-post to a short tweet within the 140 character limit on twitter (sorry, I don't know the exact terminology to describe the "shortner").
Thank you!
Hi @ LexLex,
Could you please share a screenshot of the configuration of your flow?
Could you please explain more details about what you want to use microsoft flow to achieve and what is the problem when you get it to work?
Do you want to post a tweet when you upload a new media?
If you want to post a tweet when you upload a new media,you could refer to screenshot below to create the flow:
And when you upload a new media to your Instagram, the flow would be triggered to post the tweet.
Please let me know if your problem could be solved or share more details so we could provide a proper workaround for you.
Alice Zhang