I have a Form with a question to select US States. It's a drop-Down list. Upon selecting a "US State" and submitting the form.
A flow is triggered for the submission. It's all good until the "Update Row action".
But the selected state is not passed to Update Row. When the flow is comopleted we can see that the "Null" is passed to this field. On the actual Ecel file, we can see the "First State" in the drop down list is published.
Can any one here tell whats going on ?
Thanks, Test 1 worked. I did not try Test 2.
Would you recommend to use Test 2 over Test 1?
Here is my recommendation:
Can you see State name in the Outputs section of the Trigger? Then, its good.
Test #1: Remove the assignment of State value in the Update Row action. Save the flow. Close the flow and reopen it. Now, assign the State value to "Location State" field. Now, save the flow and test the flow. This should work.
Test #2: If Test #1 does not work, check the below option.
Place a compose action before Update Row action and try to print the value of the US State. Run the flow and check if you are getting the value or not. If this works, use the output of Compose action in the Update Row action.
Krishna Rachakonda
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