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Extracting Chosen information from online data table writing to excel

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I have an automation where there is a list of thousands of Manufacturer ID's.  I will using a public website to get information listed below.   I will have separate excel sheets for each number.  I have some of it working but I'm having trouble with the data extraction from the data tables.  Please read the steps below and let me know if there is an easy way to to this. I have attached an excel sheet on what the information extracted from the webpage need to look like. 

1. Website =

2. Type Into Manufacturer ID = 987

3. Uncheck 566 text box

4. Click Search 

5. Select 100 in the show entries drop down box 

6. There will be 149 Results Spanning Multiple pages 

7. In the org Name column there are links that lead to PDF files 


I need to extract information from the multiple pages into a excel sheet.  Information I need Below 

1. Need to extract the OrgName, Letterdate, Manufaturer Date , Model Year From, Model Year to

2. Need to extract the PDF URL for each row as well, I have attached an excel sheet for what's needed.

  • Natron26 Profile Picture
    Natron26 on at
    Re: Extracting Chosen information from online data table writing to excel

    Thanks for reaching out Agnius, I got this part figured out last night.

  • Agnius Bartninkas Profile Picture
    Agnius Bartninkas 10,045 on at
    Re: Extracting Chosen information from online data table writing to excel

    What is it exactly that you have already done, and what are you struggling with?

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