I have a flow that filters a list of items in a sharepoint list. It does not filter the data even if I can still see items that has the condition within the list. Upon checking the sample run of the flow, the oData filter did not result to anything.
OrderStatus column is a "Choice" field that allows multiple selection
Would appreciate the help regarding this one. Thanks!
Power Apps action
Sample Run
In the list I still have items that are tagged as "Released"
The maximum that I can set is 5000 (license limitation), I suggest using the maximum that your license permits
Now I am able to filter items, but I need to archive! Thank you!
Not yet. Should I set it to just 5000?
Have you turned on the pagination of the get items?
Hello! Apologies for the delayed response I got covid T_T. Anyway, it seems it's not working on my list. I am not sure if the number of items in the list is affecting the performance because it is already over 33,000 items.
Change the odata filter to
substringof('Released', OrderStatus)
Hi @masanortakamoto ,
I've made a test but did not encountered the problem you mentioned.
1\My SP List
2\My Flow
Please consider checking the data source or spelling .
try this:
substringof('value', ColumnName)