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Power Automate - General Discussion

Error on get User Profile

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Good afternoon
I have a list of email names which rely on get User Profile to give me the names.
The flow does an apply to each to get the email address and convert it to a name.
I have names in the list which sometimes have been removed due to leaving the company, so when the Get user details is used, sometimes it throws up an error.
I have a dual flow which if the error occurs, it adds a comment in the name, however i would like to do a process where the the flow checks for the presence of the address before i try to retrieve the information and get an error. 
The multiple errors shuts down my flow. 
What is the best way to approach this? Flow images are below. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Verified answer
    Ellis Karim Profile Picture
    Ellis Karim 10,547 on at
    Error on get User Profile
    One approach is to use the Search for users action then count (using the length function) how many users were found. A count or length greater than 0 means that users were found. (You could also set the condition to 'equal to 1').
    The Search for users action will return an array. If the search returned users, we just need the first item from the array and then we extract the DisplayName:
    Sample runtime of the "Search for users" action:

        "Id": "5e7cd825-98dc-4cfa-bd0f-cd023d745984",
        "AccountEnabled": true,
        "BusinessPhones": [
          "+1 858 555 0110"
        "City": "San Diego",
        "Country": "United States",
        "Department": "Sales & Marketing",
        "DisplayName": "Alex Wilber",
        "GivenName": "Alex",
        "JobTitle": "Marketing Assistant",
        "Mail": "",
        "MailNickname": "AlexW",
        "OfficeLocation": "London",
        "PostalCode": "92121",
        "Surname": "Wilber",
        "UserPrincipalName": ""

    Ellis Karim

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