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Power Automate - Using Flows

items showing as modified in SPO list after flow runs, even though i know the flow did not touch them

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i created a flow to update a list from an excel spreadsheet. I put a condition on the flow to say "if field x = z, then don't update" but all my list items are showing up as modified in sharepoint anyway. Is there a way for me to see if they really are modified? is this possibly a record of just having been touched by the flow? I only want to look at items that have really been modified (i have some 20 fields per item), or created, but the sharepoint modified column is not helping me here. Any ideas?

  • natanz Profile Picture
    natanz 17 on at
    Re: items showing as modified in SPO list after flow runs, even though i know the flow did not touch them

    i am trying to solve this problem, and get to the bottom of it, by creating a new field called modified by flow.  This will only change if it should be changed by the logic of the flow.  That way i can check to see if my logic is working the way i expect it to.

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