Good morning! We have a power automate procedure that parses incoming csv files. Recently one of the jobs errored out and it was found that some of the street address data contains a comma. These file fields are NOT delimited with double quotes, but are separated by comma and then parsed at the line break. Is there a way to remove commas in the field data without harming the commas that are delimiters?
Thanks for the information
It would be very difficult to impossible to do what you have asked.
Here is an alternative. You should know how many commas should be in each row. Find out how many commas are there and compare to what should be there. If the numbers don't match, write the row of data off to an error log somewhere and then move onto the next row.
To check the number of commas, you might use a split expression - the number of commas will be one less than the number of elements in the array produced by split()