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Create an Excel Workbook

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Hello Community!


Is there a way to create a new Excel workbook in a recurrence flow? I need a new workbook created once a week if this is possible. 


Thank you,


  • caseyisaac Profile Picture
    caseyisaac 4 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Then I would use XLSX vs CSV

  • Noah100 Profile Picture
    Noah100 58 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Thank you, that worked out great!

  • Verified answer
    SamLed Profile Picture
    SamLed 2,326 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook


    Add .xslx after your outputs in the file name field of your create file action.


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  • Noah100 Profile Picture
    Noah100 58 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Here is a screenshot of my flow and all it returns into my files on OneDrive is a text document. Is there something I am doing wrong? The Compose actions are just to get the Monday date and Friday date of any given week and the MonFri is (Monday Date) to (Friday Date) so that I can name my workbook that weeks date range.
    I used the file content of the Template workbook for file content in the create file action. Why did it only return a document?



  • efialttes Profile Picture
    efialttes 14,756 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    OOOps! My fault!
    In such case please follow @SamLed advise, as soon as you handle an excel file as a template, you can just create a new file taking the file template as the content basis.
    Assuming you are working with a Sharepoint site / Teams:


    Some time ago I published a post on how can you  create an Excel file from a template and add rows to a Table, all  in a single flow

    Hope this helps!

  • SamLed Profile Picture
    SamLed 2,326 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Hi @caseyisaac,


    CSV file format is not an Excel native one, Excel can deal with CSV files but it won't convert it into Excel format until you save it as right format.

    So your solution don't create a new Excel workbook.


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  • caseyisaac Profile Picture
    caseyisaac 4 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    I would use the Compose option, use the dynamic data to have this separated by commas so that when the output is generated you have the data you want for a CSV format, then use craete file for One drive and in the file name, name it with a .CSV to make excel. 

  • Verified answer
    SamLed Profile Picture
    SamLed 2,326 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Hi Noah,


    There is no action to create a new Excel file (Workbook) from scratch, but I faced same need and I managed to solve that this way:

    • Create an Excel template file, store it in a template dedicated SharePoint library
    • Get content from template xslx, create new file in another location.
    • Work on newly created file to add data.


    If I have answered your question, please Accept the post as solution.
    If you like my response, please Thumbs Up.

  • Noah100 Profile Picture
    Noah100 58 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Will creating a new worksheet automatically create a new workbook? I need an entire new excel file to be created. 

  • efialttes Profile Picture
    efialttes 14,756 on at
    Re: Create an Excel Workbook

    Hi @Noah100 !
    I would do the following: 


    I just got the expression to calculate week number from this topic as suggested by one of the best superusers: @Pstork1 
    I've just tested manually the recurrence flow, and verified w34 has been added to my excel



    Hope this helps!

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