Hi all,
In my organization we haven't completely migrated everyone to O365 from on-premise, and we've built some applications using PowerApps and PowerAutomate. One of the issues I've encountered is that when a user's mailbox hasn't been migrated yet the flow will error out. I tried adding a try-catch-finally and added to send me an email in the finally step. That email also errors out which is probably due to the same issue. I've seen these posts by others: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/Send-Email-Condition-not-working-Please-help/m-p/111236
So my question is, how can i capture the users that encounter these errors so that I can create a report of the users that need to be migrated?
Thanks in advance.
does anyone know or can point me in the right direction?