I am trying to filter a large Excel file by date using Power Automate. However, the "Get Rows" connector does not return all the rows, and the OData filter only allows me to use "eq", "ne", "contains", "startswith", or "endswith" operators.
In addition, the size of the file is such that the "Filter array" action cannot be used to filter the rows by date range. Specifically, I am looking to filter the rows whose date falls between "10 years ago" and "10 years and 1 month ago".
Is there another way to filter the Excel file by date range using Power Automate? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi @zerak
List rows in table does not support and , or operators usage in filter OData query. so i would recommend to try filtering in two step process
Logic which i would suggest is first find the date that is specific time ago like for example: 10 years ago, etc. assume date obtained is date1
Then based on that use it in filter query of list rows in table with filter query as Columnname le date1
Now use the output of list rows in table in filter array to filter for the rows whose date column is greater than or equal to today' date.
so finally we will get data b/w the date ranges 🙂