In powerautoamte, how do I automatically recognize an applicant's supervisor's email address based on their email address and utilize only SharePoint lists? Why does the row not exist in powerautomate?
If i am on right track - what you are asking is based on employee's email id (here you reffered as applicant)- you have to find their supervisor details, for that you have to use Get Manager action which is coming under Office 365 groups of actions like below
I have stored the email id for which manager/supervisor needs to be searched in variable and i will be using search for user which find user details based on their email id
Next we will be using Get Manager action which helps to find out the manager of the user by their user id- their user id can be obtained from output of search for users action as shown above with expression
I have no idea what you are talking about, as there are no details just a random question that doesn't make sense.
Please share your flow, share what you are trying to do, and use images and your Action's expressions, so we can help.
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