There seems to be a problem with connectors in Powerapps and with MS Flow actions that involve Office365 groups! Please advise. My apps are teetering on being inoperable. There is one other reporting this issue in the PA forum as well. I need to know what corrective action is underway, and the estimated time this will be working again. Thank you!!!
My PA Forum link:
Well, my initial request was two days ago. This issue was confirmed by other users in another post in the PA area. The issue has apparently been fixed, as this error does not appear for me either. It would have been helpful to have tried this earlier than now. This issue had my apps down for over TWO days, and there was no indication in the status screens shown in this thread of any issues. I'm not too happy with the speed of resolution, nor the communication of this problem to the users.
Hi @martinav,
I have made a test on my side and don't have the issue that you mentioned.
I could get the Group Id as below:
Please take a try to create a new flow to see if the issue still exists.
Best regrads,
I need some help here urgently. Please verify this issue, which it is easily repeatable, from many who have reported in my PA post.
@v-bacao-msft, @v-yamao-msft, @v-yuazh-msft, @GabrielStJohn