I want to evaluate the two condidtions when a certain SharePoint list item is added so add a OR clause include 'High' . If there is documentation can you reply with a link.
My code below is invalid btw ( and yes I tried an OR' as well !)
@equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'Urgent') || @equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'High')
Ahhhhhh not for the first time in my life: I don't know who I am! I have one identity based ony my client's tenant and one based on my tenant. Ideally I just want to use my Live ID and either remove the one for my tenant or merge it.
Hi @westerdaled,
Sorry about that.
I thought you were @Anonymous, is that account alos belongs to you?
The Accept as solution would only show up for the question asker.
@v-micsh-msft @micheal
Yes but how do I do that .. I can book mark the post and give Kudos but I don't the option to mark as a solution.
Glad to help.
would it be convent for you to accept the proper post as the solution?
Doing this should be helpful for the others to find the proper answer more quickly.
@v-micsh-msft wrote:Daniel,
Please specify the condition in the format below:
@or( equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'Urgent'), equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'High') )If the
triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value']Could return the proper value, then writing the formula in this way should work.
Currently there is no specifial documentation talking about how to write formula under the condition Advanced mode.
For the workflow definition language reference, please check:
Workflow Definition Language schema for Azure Logic Apps
Thanks very much for the heads up on the correct syntax i should use.
Hopefully this will help others as it simplies their flows.
Please specify the condition in the format below:
@or( equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'Urgent'), equals(triggerBody()['RequestorUrgency']['Value'], 'High') )
If the
Could return the proper value, then writing the formula in this way should work.
Currently there is no specifial documentation talking about how to write formula under the condition Advanced mode.
For the workflow definition language reference, please check:
Workflow Definition Language schema for Azure Logic Apps