Hi there!
I have a SharePoint list with records of some documents. List has columns Status (active/activity needed) and Responsible person (email of a responsible person).
I want to have a flow that will every monday send an email to each responsible person with an array of his records which have status Activity needed.
Simple Example:
ID | Status | Responsible person |
1 | Active | person1@email.xom |
2 | Activity needed | person1@email.xom |
3 | Active | anotherPerson@email.xom |
4 | Activity needed | person1@email.xom |
5 | Activity needed | anotherPerson@email.xom |
6 | Activity needed | anotherPerson@email.xom |
So if flow would be triggerd, I would like to send email to peron1 and to anotherPerson. In emails each would have an array or html table that would show their records.
Person1 would see records with id 2 and 4, anotherPerson would see records with id 5 and 6.
I managed to make an instant flow that's triggered manually and it sends array of all records with status Activity needed to myself. That looks like this:
I also managed to make it work that person who triggered the flow gets email with only his records and it works fine. So if person1 triggers the flow, he gets an email with filtered records to only those where he is responsible and they have status Activity needed.
I just want to make it work for everyone now, not only for one person and to make it every monday.
Is there a way to do this?
Create a scheduled flow and run it as a system account that has access to all user accounts.