Good afternoon friends,
I would like some help. I created a flow in powerautomate that works on user defined data in powerapps. So on the first date it creates an item in sharepoint and nothing second set date (in this case 15 days later) it updates again the same item in the list. I'm encountering the error below and I don't know what could be causing it. Thank you for your help.
Error from token exchange: Runtime call was blocked because connection has error status: Enabled| Error, and sharepointonline is in the block list. Connection errors: [ParameterName: token, Error: Code: Unauthorized, Message: 'Failed to refresh access token for service: sharepointonlinecertificatev2. Correlation Id=e7279bf8-1823-4a91-b660-097ac0af74c9, UTC TimeStamp=8/23/2022 12:00:02 AM, Error: Failed to acquire token from AAD: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50173: The provided grant has expired due to it being revoked, a fresh auth token is needed. The user might have changed or reset their password. The grant was issued on '2022-04-12T14:28:33.2564948Z' and the TokensValidFrom date (before which tokens are not valid) for this user is '2022-08-15T13:49:35.0000000Z'.\r\nTrace ID: d3832de1-26da-4ba4-9923-ce0fa1f45000\r\nCorrelation ID: 8f9555ec-3a2d-4f1e-b3d9-bfa05d64c541\r\nTimestamp: 2022-08-23 00:00:02Z","error_codes":[50173],"timestamp":"2022-08-23 00:00:02Z","trace_id":"d3832de1-26da-4ba4-9923-ce0fa1f45000","correlation_id":"8f9555ec-3a2d-4f1e-b3d9-bfa05d64c541","error_uri":""}']
I had this problem after I reset my account's password. I had to go in and reauthenticate my connections. Everything looked good, I got the green little check next to my logged in connection but I kept getting this message. My other flows reconnected no problem. So on the problem connections I "added" a new connection the authentication window popped up with the same account I was using before and I chose it. Afterwards I had two connections both with the same account, but the "new" connection works just fine. Seems there is a bit of a glitch if you have to reauthenticate some of your connections.
Hi @straiderox2 ,
Based on below cases:
It's due to the Update User action (lead to M365 account changes) or maybe MFA enabled in your Org.
Best regards,