I have an MS form where I ask my users some questions and I have set up a flow to put the results of that form into my SharePoint list.
My issue is one of the responses in the form goes into a column which is an ID from another table so the result of the form is text but I need it to be the ID number
I am thinking an IF statement would help ne convert the response to the ID but not sure where to start
this is the form
this is the flow
and this is the SharePoint list i want to add it too
is an IF statement the best option? or does anyone have any other suggestions?
Hi Scott,
Thanks for sending that link over, that has been a great help and got my solution to work 😄
To get the ID of the item from your lookup list, you'll first need to use a Get Items action on the lookup list. You'll use a filter query to limit the items that are returned to the single row that you want. You can then reference the ID.
Here is a link that explains more about how to use filter queries.