I am having a really hard time getting a simple create file flow to work correctly. Here's the rundown of what I have set up...
When a new email arrives:
Folder: Outlook folder selected
To: left blank
From: left blank
Importance: Any
Has Attachments: Yes
Include Attachements(related question: what's the difference between has attachements and include attachements?): Yes
Subject Filter: blank
To is equal to name@emailaddress.com
If Yes:
Apply to each: Attachments
Create File
Site address: Selected from drop down menu
Folder Path: Selected from drop down menu
File Name: Name
File Content: Content
If No:
Nothing selected here
What I'm expecting to happen here is when an email with an attachment is sent to a specific folder in my inbox, the flow takes the attachment on the email and creates a new item on a list with it.
The Run History tell me that the flow is succeeding but there are never any new items on the list in question.
Please help! Is there something wrong with the logic that I have in place?
Thank you!
Hi @GMacpherson,
So far your cannot create attachment file on SharePoint list items with Flow. The action "SharePoint-Create file" is for creating files in SharePoint libraries, not the lists. If you want Flow to be able to add attachment files to list items, please try to post this idea in the Flow Ideas forum, so it might be considered for future releases.
Mona Li