Hello everyone,
I have two question. 1. I have an excel list. I want to fill in the information from the list to website. If there is a new date --> import them. If there is an existing data --> skip and fill next data. 2. if I encounter any errors during running flows, I want to go back the home page of website. How can I do that?
You clearly are using an incorrect syntax for the %ExcelData%. What does your data in Excel look like? Can you share a screenshot?
Also, you probably need to make sure both dates are in the same format. You may need to convert the date from the web page to a date and time variable, or the date from Excel into text.
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I want to compare between a value in an excel table and a value on a website. if it's correct --> go to the next flow, else go to another page. However, I was worried if my formula was correct. Can you help me check it? Because I realize it shows the result as unexpected.
Thank you for your help. I'm trying it as per your instructions. I will let you know if it works or not.
As far as i understood your scenario,
open excel sheet by launch excel activity
Read excel sheet by Read excel sheet activity
iterate through excel using For each activity
inside for each use if activity
in if activity write condition compare the dates by taking them into variables
if new date =existing date
input the data by using populate text field activity
use on block error activity for all steps
there use continue slow run
then run subflow
in that subflow use go to webpage
or click on link on web page activities..you can navigate to the web page.
Hope this helps