I used Power Automate to bulk upload thousands of records but this has resulted in several columns missing data. I wanted to the following without changing / messing up the existing data.
1. Copy values from one field to another (i.e. copying email addresses in a text column to a People column).
2. Copy values from an excel sheet into a SharePoint field without changing existing data.
How can I do this please?
Hi @Nehal3 ,
See: 🚹SharePoint People Column : How to Update and Patch in Power Automate and Power Apps
(1) You can use a HTTP request to just update a People column without changing other values. Specify the item id in the URI, and then specify the email address as the key value as shown below. In your case the value would be the column name of the text column containing the email address:
Method: POST
"FieldName": "AddedBy",
"FieldValue": "[{'Key':'AlexW@dev365.com'}]"
(2) You can also use the HTTP request to update other columns (fields) without changing other value:
Method: POST
"FieldName": "<Column-name>",
"FieldValue": "<Column-value>"
You should use what is called the "Internal" name of the SharePoint column (field) in the HTTP request.
See: 🔍How to Find the Internal Name of a SharePoint Column
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