I have had a custom connector for running power bi apis for a couple of years now, and I went to add a new API call to it and got an error message that the description can't be less than 30 characters, ok fine I try to update the description but get an error message. Thinking it might be my new API call I back out and discard my changes. I go back in and try to update just the description and get the same error.
@arpitasingh I copied the token URI and pasted it into the authorizationURL
authorizationUrl: ''
Hi @srduval , can you explain in bit detail where you copied the URL(from swagger)
" I just copied the URL from the line below it in the code (login URL I think) and it accepted it without issue. "? It would be of great help.
@lbendlin thanks for the links.
I can't remember what the API was that I was trying to add, but it turns out the error is in the source code of my power BI API connection, not sure if it is something imported or was auto generated, as I don't even know how I eventually got the connection working. Anyways to fix it I had to go into the swagger code mode to find the error, something to do with a new authorization URL that needed to be added, but doesn't have a placeholder to set a value (that I am aware of) in the custom connection editor. I just copied the URL from the line below it in the code (login URL I think) and it accepted it without issue.
That's cute. What's the API call?
If you have a Pro license you can open a Pro ticket at https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/newsupportticket/powerbi
Otherwise you can raise an issue at https://community.fabric.microsoft.com/t5/Issues/idb-p/Issues .