Hi I have a flow that I created and used to work without problem until just now, I got the error ActionFailed. An action failed. No dependent actions succeeded
below is the screenshot of my flow:
what could be the issue for this flow to fail?
yes, the Full Address?
HI @NurNina
Then, for some reason, the Power Automate app cannot get your address. Does the location object has any values?
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Hi @manuelstgomes , I've tried the method bust somehow I still get the same error, the condition failed. The location service is enabled.
This is my condition:
the first condition:
HI @NurNina
Do you have location services enabled and gave the Flow's app permissions to access the device's location?
I would recommend that you validate the create so that, if there's no data, you won't use that data.
Something like this:
And you'll get a run like this (from my iPhone with location services enabled)
The formula is as follows:
In this case, the condition returned true because the device returned a location
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Ive tried using phone but it says the same error. cannot create record :
Hi @NurNina
That location is only provided when you trigger the Power Automate from your phone and when GPS permissions access is enabled for Flow.
So if you're triggering on the website, there won't be any data returned hence the error.
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hye @manuelstgomes
there is no location inside the Manually trigger a flow
inside the create record, i use the Full address for the location:
Hi @NurNina
Can you please expand the "Manually Trigger a flow" and check if you have a value for "location"? If not, there's your problem because it's trying to access something that is not there.
If you paste the result, I can try to help you figure this out better. You can obfuscate the results for privacy if you want.
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