I am not sure if the above update for SharePoint link with alternative text (Description) above is correct or not. Anyway, it got the 401 unauthorized error. How to solve this problem?
Finally, I got it right as above.
@nahcyrret Your _metadata tag is incorrect. it should be __metadata (here two underscore)
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"_metadata": {
"type": "SP.Data.Incidents.ListItem"
"Link": {
"Description": "INC251309",
"Url": "https://.../nav_to.do?uri=incident.do%3Fsys_id=11151b71db499d50446c2e1fd396195c%26sysparm_stack=incident_list.do%3Fsysparm_query=active=true"
@nahcyrret Pls test your flow.
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Is there anything wrong? Do I need to remove the quote around Incidents?
@nahcyrret see quote around Incident. Have you copy paste from notepad/word?
See the difference-
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1. The SharePoint list name is Incidents.
2. I am able to access the URL.
@nahcyrret Check these two-
1. "source": "https://.../sites/ITS-UserServices/api/lists/getbytitle(%E2%80%98Incidents%E2%80%99)/items(32)",
quote around Incident?
2. "Url": "https://.../nav_to.do?uri=incident.do%3Fsys_id=ca153756db0d1190e504df0bd396197c%26sysparm_stack=incident_list.do%3Fsysparm_query=active=true"
Are you able to access URL?
Please 'Thumbs Up' the posts that helped you and 'Accept as Solution' if my post answered your question.
"_metadata": {
"type": "SP.Data.Incidents.ListItem"
"Link": {
"Description": "INC251499",
"Url": "https://.../nav_to.do?uri=incident.do%3Fsys_id=ca153756db0d1190e504df0bd396197c%26sysparm_stack=incident_list.do%3Fsysparm_query=active=true"
I just want to write the Link field with alternative text with the Description above. Is it correct? Also, I am the owner of the site with the Incidents list. The flow runs under my account in power automate.