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Power Automate - Building Flows

Filter Array not returning results on SharePoint List with Multiple people

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I have an issue. We have a SharePoint list that we've been requested to create a flow that will run weekly and pull the open items from this list and email people listed as Owners their Current Open items in an HTML List. I got this to work on a test site with single people as owners but I've been struggling to get it to work on the list that allows for Multiple Owners
Here's what I currently have on this test site flow
1. I am manually triggering until I get it working correctly
2. Initialize an Array Variable AllOwners
3. GetItems from the SharePoint List with Filter Status eq 'Open'
4. Apply to Each off the Value of Get Items
    A. Compose with Inputs of Owner from Get Items
    B. Select Outputs from the Compose and Map to GetItems Email 
    C. Condition (I've tried without but it fails) If AllOwners Contains Output of Select If No Append Variable AllOwners with OwnerEmail
5. I use Compose to display AllOwners
6. Then I initialized an array variable AllItems with the Value of GetItems as the Value (I had thought I could do an Array Filter off this but I have failed so far)
7. I show AllItems in a compose function to verify all items are there. 
8. I have a compose action that removes the Duplicate entries from AllOwners 
9. I initialize a new array variable UniqueOwners with the Output of RemoveDuplicates as the value
10. Compose UniqueOwners to verify duplicates are removed
11. Here's where I am struggling. I've tried multiple things Right now I have an apply to each running off UniqueOwners
    a. FilterArray from Value of Get Items where Owner contains CurrentItem. 
Everything I've tried here has either thrown an error or output only gives me an [] with no data. 
I have also Tried filtering off the AllItems Variable with Owner\email contains CurrentItem 
Everything I've tried here has failed so any suggestions would be very helpful
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