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Power Automate - Using Flows

Not Loving FLOW

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Hi all,

So far I am not lovin FLOW 😞


Sometime it does not fire off and sometime it does.  There is no rhym or reason to it.  There are no errors it just doesn't work.


I can only add one recipeint to a flow email alert.  If i add another user, the flow does not go. (again no errors)

Is that the way it is supposed to be? 

I need to send alerts to groups of people based off of criteria in a Sharepoint online list. 


Also How do you format the body of the email it send out?  the below image comes out as a string and does not have line breaks.





  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    HI Gustavo,

    I think you missed the link :).  I didnt realize there are different versions.


    So your saying the alerts go out every 15 minutes, not immediately? 

    I have had situations where I do not get an alert, especially on a new item right after I create a new flow or update a flow.


    Thanks again,



  • gamoraes Profile Picture
    gamoraes 1,040 on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    Hi @joef.


    The time to execute a flow  depend of your plan/price. If you take a look in this page you will see free plan has a 15 minutes verification time, this means that every 15 minutes MSFlow will check and send the emails.


    I hope you have helped and that MSFlow with the community can help you, so that as we have the life facilitated by this program



    Gustavo Moraes

  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    thanks for your help.

    Hopefully the Flow staff will see this and get back to me.



  • TLCONE Profile Picture
    TLCONE 26 on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble with it.

    I've found that Flow hasn't ever missed any of my triggers, however sometimes I can take quite a while for the flow to execute; up to half hour after the trigger was fired the flow would run.

    Maybe check back in a little while and see if it was fired just a little after you expected?

    As with a lot of automation / workflow I find that getting it up on it's legs is really the hardest bit and once it is built it's usually pretty reliable.

    Good luck with your automation, I'm sorry I couldn't help.

    The Flow staff are active on this Forum so they will probably answer any queries if you want to give it another go, they are more experienced than I am so could help resolve your issue better than I can!



  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    FLOW is so flaky, I am giving up on using it.  I am going to look for a third party tool to send my alerts.


    Thanks for trying to help, maybe if they can get it bit more stable I wll try again. 


    I can't use my arrows on my keyboard to navigate thru the edit window.

    Sometimes the alert goes out and sometimes it doesn't




  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    OK I refrshed the flow for a third time and the email went thru.  I guess after making changes I have to basically publish it 3 times before they work.


    This is so clunky...

  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    very nice, but it shows the last time it ran was 6 days ago.  the one I modified today and created a new item in the list did not fire off.


    So my next question is why would it not fire off when a new ite was added? 

  • TLCONE Profile Picture
    TLCONE 26 on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    If you click on the "my flows" tab (Highlighted at the top of the page) you can see a list of created flows, there is a small (!) icon on the right hand side of the flow(also highlighted)





    Clicking this will show you a list of every time the flow was executed and whether it has passed or failed.



    Chose the most recent one/ the one you want to debug and it will show you at what step it failed along with an error message detailing why it has failed.


    Expand the failed step to see more detailed information about what exactly went wrong.


    Usually found in the "OUTPUTS" at the bottom of the information.

  • joef Profile Picture
    joef on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    I added HTML as you can see below to center and bold a title.  Seemed pretty straight forward. 

    I added a new item to my list but the email did not go out.


    How do I debug this POS??  Where can I see a log of whats going on?



  • TLCONE Profile Picture
    TLCONE 26 on at
    Re: Not Loving FLOW

    Hi joef,

    I tried out some of the HTML and multiple recipient features.

    The line breaks in the Email worked fine for spacing, just replace each newline with <br/> as mentioned above and ensure that the HTML field is set to YES.



    Multiple addresses need to be delimited by a semicolon ; 

    I can confirm that inserting my work and personal email address it sent the email to both. 


    Here is how it looked with spaces in the end:

    With Each <br/> being used as a line break the email looks as I expect.


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