I've develop a few forms to support business transaction in my company. I'm using my company internal server with Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft SQL server 2017 for the data source and connect it via on-premises data gateway. At first it runs smoothly but suddenly 3/4 days ago it started showing error "The gateway is either offline or could not be reached.
inner exception: Gateway on endpoint '<ii>sb://wabi-west-europe-relay21.servicebus.windows.net/0b99c520-72d0-4261-9ac3-c7e7f22d35ef/</ii>' is unreachable.
inner exception: The communication object, Microsoft.ServiceBus.Channels.ClientFramingDuplexSessionChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.
clientRequestId: 27531172-0bb9-47cd-97f1-f354ae32f444" when our staff and i tried to access it, but strangely it happen at random, sometimes it run smooth but sometimes it show that error, but it's persistent.
I've tried to update the on-premises data gateway apps to the latest version, updated pending update on windows server, but still doesn't fix the problem.
Can anyone here help me figure out what cause this problem ?.
I had this problem, which I could only solve using a gateway cluster on three different servers, but on the same network. I ran SQL SERVER stored procedures with PowerAutomete with a PowerApps button trigger. My project works with a high volume of data.
the link that helped solve my problem: