I am trying to share a flow with the list it is triggered by. On my flow information page I only see "Edit" in my owners box, I don't see "View All" What's Up?
Or more specifically, Got instructions to do this if I'm missing something...
REST is how I got past writing null dates to a list. 😁
It isn't really easy, but there is a way to manually change the Modified By setting in an item using a REST call in FLOW. Check this blog
Yep. That answers the question.
Wish it worked for the user to be the one the workflow run under. Then the modified by info would reflect the user who actually modified the item.
Another of the fun little weirdnesses of Power Automate.
Thank you for your fast response!
The common solution for that is to use a service account as the owner of the flow. The service account will need to have a license just like you do, but that way the flow will be owned by an account that doesn't expire or become disabled if you leave the company.
Great. that is an answer.
I just want the flow to NOT have my name on it as last modified after the workflow executes.
What kind of trigger does the flow use? When you say you are try8ing to share the flow with the list I assume you are trying to set the Run Only Users setting to the list so that anyone who has access to the list can use the flow. Run only users are only available when you are starting the Flow from a Flow mobile button or from a selected item in a SharePoint list. So if you are using a When an Item is created or modified trigger then you can't (and really don't need to) share the flow with the list.