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Power Automate - General Discussion

Success creating a user using power automate - not all fields are exposed.

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So I am able to create a user in power automate. But a bunch of fields are not offered in the power automate action for Create user (Entra ID).
Tried to use Update user afterwards - still no joy.
Would like to populate the following fields but don't see how:
Company name  Employee ID  Employee Type  Employee Hire Date  Street address  City  State or province  Zip or postal code  Country or region  Email  Fax number  Usage location
Have a notion to tap into the Entra ID API by using the action named Invoke an HTTP request (Microsoft entra ID).
Used for both URL and URI - seemed to get past the Get Resource - just don't know where to go from there.
I'm beginning to think I need to venture into power apps for this. 
Any ideas out there please?
Thank you.
  • Verified answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 31,444 on at
    Success creating a user using power automate - not all fields are exposed.
    You need to use the HTTP Connector (Premium) and either write all the properties in the first call, or create them and then do a Patch with the rest. You can write to all those using Graph API.
    So you could use the Create User you are doing, then use the Output (ID) from Entra, to make a call using the HTTP Connector to patch the rest of the details you want.
    Even if you don't see them in an API etc, they are there, its really just... laziness in the documents to not show them all.
    And Like this for instance
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {token}
      "employeeId": "12345"

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