I use the trigger 'When_an_event_is_added,updated_or_deleted(V3)' to send teams messages for schedules notice.
Since the trigger has a lot of issues, I made Concurrency Control limit on.
The flow I created was perfectly working, but after I blocked out a year's worth of unoccupied time schedules all at once, it stopped working.
Even when an event is created that is supposed to trigger the flow, still no message is sent to teams and nothing appears in 28-day run history. I tried turn off/on the flow, but it still doesn't work.
Here is the error message:
Start time Jun 26, 11:24 AM
Unable to process template language expressions for trigger 'When_an_event_is_added,updated_or_deleted(V3)' at line '1' and column '68508': 'The number of items to split exceeded the limit for concurrency control enabled trigger 'When_an_event_is_added,updated_or_deleted(V3)': maximum '100' and actual '259'.'.
After I saw the error message, I wrote the Trigger Condition like below to prevent the block from triggering, since the block trigger output are like ..."body":{"ActionType":"added","IsAdded":true,"IsUpdated":false,"subject":"block"... },
but it does not work. (I tried to block schedules again and it caused same error as above.)
I think it caused by "Trigger fires for all events in a recurring event" issue.
So this is an issue that has been around since at least 2019, any progress? and What should I do to make it work again?
I would be grateful if you could help me solve it as soon as possible.