While using Run Python Script Action i am getting error.
I am using fitz to get coordinates
below is my code
import fitz
pdf_document = fitz.open('C:\\New folder\\.pdf')
search_text = 'Confirmed on the date first above written:'
for page in doc:
text_instances = page.search_for(search_text)
for text_instance in text_instances:
x0, y0, x1, y1 = text_instance.bbox
print(f"Page {page_num + 1}:")
print(f"Text: {search_text}")
print(f"Bounding Box: ({x0}, {y0}) - ({x1}, {y1})")
Error detail is
can anyone please help, i am stucked with that
any help please
can you please provide any code for same requirement.
Yes I have specified its path in run python script action
Hi @neerajpokh
fitz is an external module , have you specified its path in run python script action ?
Nived N 🚀
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