I have a flow using the SAP connector. Unfortunately I do not see any clear documenation about Filter synax with SAP data.
e.g. I have an action "Read table with parsing". In the section <Where filters Itrems -1> I wanted to search for a field with the starting pattern of some strings. In PowerApps or straight ODATA it would be StartWith(Field, Searchstring). But this does on work with the SAP Connector. Als cp does not work.
Lets assume I want to search for Microsoft, and I enter Micro it should filter all records where the searchfield starts with Micro*
Now - because I have no idea I entered NAM1 >= 'SEARCHNAME' and NAME1 <= 'SEARCHNAMEz'. It helps but not really good.
Can anyone help me?
Please... kind regards, Klaus
How about Filter 1000 Material in Where Filters? This is limitation of length 72 only..
Thank you Scott,
this was helpful.
Hello @BHS_KI -
Try using the following operators when constructing queries with RFC READ TABLE.
Operator | Description |
EQ | equal to |
NE | not equal to |
LT | less than |
LE | less than or equal to |
GT | greater than |
GE | greater than or equal to |