I'm having issues getting an image from a URL (received in an email body as hyperlink) and saving the image to sharepoint.
The flow successfully parses the email, extracts the URL, saves it as a working hyperlink in excel online file.
I can have the URL inserted into another Send Email V2 as hyperlink.
The When a new email arrives (v3) is set to "include attachments - yes"
I can get the file to create in Sharepoint with HTTP Body as content, the file can be opened using browser, but it's not an image.
I've tried the implementing flows as suggested in https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Building-Flows/Image-attachments-not-displaying-when-uploaded-to-SharePoint/td-p/190777
and I tried the suggestion to use base64tobinary(body('HTTP')?['$Content']) as suggested in other posts.
I've tried to use a parse json, but I can't figure out the schema to make it work.