Been using for years some code from Youtuber Sean Young for storing attachments from powerapps to sharepoint using a flow.
In a new environment this flow, with the old powerapps trigger, will not be added to the app so I created a new with the new trigger.
The (text) input is a collection containg filenames and file contents as json of attachment control "images".
The resulting text in powerapps that the flow uses looks like this (i substituted ..... for a large part of the file content)
Column base64 will be used for the body of the eventual file.
"Name": "cat.jpeg",
"UniqueName": "86170723-8cat.jpeg",
"base64": "/9j/...../9k="
Since the original syntax for parse json from Sean Youngs example is not working (I get InvalidJSON error) I use this text to have powerautomate generate json syntax
The syntax looks ok but If I enter the same text testing I get the same error
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Name": {
"type": "string"
"UniqueName": {
"type": "string"
"base64": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
The flow uses compose, parse jason, apply to each (save file).
In parse Jason I use
Powerapps code adapted to my situation:
,Len(varDemoFromAttachmentcontrol) - Find(",",varDemoFromAttachmentcontrol)-1
,UniqueName,Left(GUID(),10) & Name
I see Sean did some editing of the file content so I also tried the unedited JSON of the attachment control image contents but same result.
Never mind I found a later video by Sean on how to deal with the new powerapps trigger v2