I have flows set up where when someone fills out a form it creates a task in a bucket and pulls information from the form to put in the task details (see below). I then have a flow that once that task is completed it creates a task in the next bucket with the same task name and I want it to have the same task details as well. My issue is that I can't get the new task to have the same details in the notes as the original task had that was pulled from the form. Any suggestions?
Here is the flow to create the new task with same task details as completed task that is not working.
Hi again!
Wait, wait, wait... there was an old bug in Planner, so if you build by yourself an URL to show the task directly and access it, Description / Notes are not visible. However, if you access Planner main page, and click on your task card, DEsciption / Notes are displayed properly.
IF this is not the case, try with a different browser.
Hope this helps
I have waited an hour to see if it was maybe just a time issue but still nothing.
This all looks correct.
THat's really weird....
When you open a task card in planner it takes some seconds to display 'Notes' field, but I guess this is not the problem.
Did you inspect your flow execution to verify if 'Update task details succeeded? If so, did you inspect your flow execution the outputs from 'Update task details' and see if Description is filled in? Can you share a screenshot so I can see them also?
Are you trying to add an attachment in the same 'Update task details'? If so, remove the attachment related staff from it and concentrate on updating the DEscription only
I got my first flow to work and copy the description over but for some reason I cannot get it to work with any other flows. It creates the task and copy's the title but it will not copy the description in the new task. Can you see any issues with my flow?
I am afraid 'Get response details' is not working on your second flow, right?
If so, I would do the following:
-Add a 'Get task details' just after 'When a task is completed'
-Replace current 'Description' content assigned to 'Update task details' and use 'Get task details' 'DEscription' output instead
Hope this helps