I have two SQL Server connections created, each to different servers, each using different credentials. The first is owned by another user, the second I created. All connections are using Gateways. I know the connection I created works because I use it for multiple operations in PowerApps. It's status is "Connected". However, when I attempt to insert an SQL Server action such as Get Rows (v2) in my flows, only the server in the first connection is available in the Server Name dropdown. Is there another step I may be missing to make this connection accessible in Flow?
As described above, I created the 2nd connection, and am the Owner.
Also, the connection is available when choosing the connection to use for a template. As described above, I was able to use that interface to change the connection for the template, after which it became the only connection available to use in the Flow.
Unfortunately, even though that would seem to indicate progress, when I test this Flow it fails due to Unauthorized.
So now my state is that I can select the connection I could not previously see, but despite that the credentials don't seem to have travelled.
This just seems very broken.
Hi @SeanTCG ,
First, you need to make sure you have sufficient permissions to use the specified connection.
Second, if you can't get the Server Name from the dropdown list, please consider clicking Enter custom value and entering the Server Name directly.
Best Regards,
Some more playing around reveals some kind of global context change?
I tried using a Flow template that uses a SQL Server connection - I think it was Get Email on Row or something like that - and that interface has an explicit selection of "This Flow will use this connection" whose dropdown listed both my SQL Servers. I selected my second connection, but then exited. Now, when I go to create or edit my flows, the second connection is now available to select for the server. But the first connection is no longer listed.
It's like Flow will only list one of multiple connections, and which connection is listed is dependent upon some sort of "last selected"...?