Hi all,
I have an .TXT file that I receive once a day on my e-mail. This file is separeted by ;.
The format of the file is like below:
1111;11111111111111;FACTORY INSPECTION;11.1111111.1;000000000; ; ;000111111; 11;09/12/2020; 1.1111,11; 0,00;111111;43201290576356000160550100002077721599263788;005-OK ;
I would like to read the file from the email and create an .XLSX file from it. Is it possible?
I have already create an flow to save the attached file to OneDrive, but I couldn't find a away to tranform the .TXT file to an .XLSX or Sharepoint List from it.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
I don't believe there is a native way to do this.
The text looks like a CSV file with semi-colon delimiters... so therefor you could use Encodian's 'Convert Excel' action to convert the CSV to XLSX - https://blog.encodian.com/2020/09/convert-excel-and-csv-files-in-power-automate/#2